Journeys of Sacagawea
Mid July 2004 Catalina Island trip to Avalon |
Date | 7/16/04 7/18/04 | Engine hours | 4.4 |
Weather | Clear, mid 70's to 80' on the island | Fuel on board | 12 gal |
Wind | 0 to 10 knots from the south | Fuel used | 5.2 gal |
Water Conditions | flat to two foot wind waves 65-69 degrees | Miles traveled | 58 |
We had a great trip to the island; the weather was great with light winds in the morning. The best time to make the crossing is in the early morning as the typical weather pattern for southern California with a high pressure ridge over California and Arizona is no wind or light wind at night and in the early morning and picking up to 10 to 15 knots in the afternoon in the Catalina channel between the mainland and the island. We made about 13 to 14 knots going over and 14 to 15 coming back. Weather was clear blue sky and no local fog. You could not see the island from the coast at the start but at about 10 miles out you start to see the fuzzy outline of the island. When you can see the island clearly from the mainland that may mean it may be a little windy out there with all the haze and smog blown out. We arrived about10:30 a.m. at Avalon and circled with the other boats around the harbor patrol boat hoping to get a mooring on the inside of Avalon harbor. We got the last one. This was a layback weekend with reading and relaxing the key points.
Leaving Huntington Harbor Breakwater about 8:30
Out boating with the big boys can be fun. Notice the inflatable in the bow well. | |
Catalina Island at 16 nautical miles Running on course of 190 degrees. | |
7 miles from island with light wind | |
3.5 miles from Avalon | |
Inside Avalon Harbor looking for our mooring number 14 at 10:30 am | |
Mooring 14 , last row next to beach in the middle of harbor | |
Notice the size of the yellow mooring rode ring. | |
The famous casino build by the Wrigley Family during the depression for their island guests to have a place to dance and go to the movies. | |
Looking east |
Looking west | |
Heading out for the mainland at 7:30 am
One mile out | |